Have you ever listened to the song "Lily? It is impossible for you to say that you have never heard this song. It seems to be well known because of the melody. Lily is a song by Emelie Hollow on the album "Different World". This song was sung by three people, namely Alan Walker, K-391, and Emelie Hollow. The genre of this song is dance and hip-hop. It was released on December 14, 2018. It's like 3 minutes and 16 seconds long. It can be listened to on Spotify too! The meaning behind this song is that Lily was a young girl, and she is a shy person. All through her life, she was protected from being exposed to the outside world, but the thing is, she always wanted to be free and leave her home. The setting sun in the lyrics is a reference to the symbolism of beauty. However, her parents warned her not to leave and not to go to the outside world. Not only that, but her parents also told her that something about that creature was hiding in the dark. Then she met a man who told her not to be worried about anything and just follow him everywhere he wanted to go. This holds a meaning, as it might mean she was kidnapped. He told her that she would be safe under his control. Sometimes, a psychopath can say the sweetest thing that ever existed in this world and still be an abusive partner. Only then did she know she was hypnotized, and with one click, she awoke again. She asked if there was anybody out there who could help her. To lay things out, she was in a toxic and abusive 

relationship. He said that whatever she wanted to have, he could give to her. To be in that situation, she needed to let him into her life just to stay in that relationship. Basically, it is a song about a girl who is curious about the existence of an outside world, which makes her want to try everything, even if it is dangerous. It is actually normal to be in that situation because, as we grew older, we wanted to explore some things and try things that we had never done before. I could rate this song 8 out of 10. I guess this song is very recommended to youngsters with a strict family, and do not forget to listen to this song at least once in your lifetime.


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