A song named scars to your beautiful is totally the best song I have ever listened to. It is recorded by Canadian singer and songwriter Alessia Cara. It has been released in 2015. This song is a pop song and for your information, this song was inspired by a traumatic experience in Cara's early teenage years when she started losing her hair in chunks in the shower. Cara had to learn to accept her hair after her upsetting experience. Besides that, this song is about a girl who wanted to be perfect but little did she knows that she is already perfect. It also tells that someone is well ignored to think herself didn't good enough and hopes to be more than herself now and wanted to make a reminder to just love herself and appreciate herself no matter what. Alessia Cara gives us a message that no one is like us, we are we and no one is going to be like us. We don't have to change ourselves just for people's satisfaction and people's point of view. We are beautiful even without anything on our faces and body. It is also about a girl who is insecure with herself. The singer really boosts our confidence to the highest and she tells us that everyone is beautiful just the way they are. The lyrics say that there's no better us than ourselves and there's no better life than the life that we are living. We are stars and we can shine anytime and there's no exact time for us to embrace ourselves. Cara said that the point of the song is to reach as many women, or people, as possible to change their negative mindset who feels insecure with their personality to the one who's going to love themselves. I would recommend you listen to this song until you are sick of it, this song really makes my insecurities gone and I became more confident with my personality and ability. To people out there who don't have the confidence or are insecure because you think that you're not pretty enough, please remember this it doesn't make sense to call ourselves ugly or not preetty because we don't really see ourselves, we don't watch ourselves sleeping in bed, curled up as our heart beats through our chest rising and falling with rhythm. we don't see ourselves reading Erufu book, eyes fluttering and glowing! you don't see yourself looking at someone with love and care in your heart. There's no mirror in your way when you're laughing, smiling and happiness is leaking out of you, you would know exactly how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in the moments where you are truly yourself ♡


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